Valuations and appraisal
For valuations and appraisals, Audit4Business primarily cooperates with the recognised Institute of Real Estate and Entities (Instytut Rynku Nieruchomości i Przedsiębiorstw Sp. z o.o.), established by Dr hab. Andrzej Zalewski.
Professional surveyors and court-certified experts, as well as numerous specialists and support employees, are engaged in the work of the Institute.
For more information, please see the WIE website.
Andrzej Zalewski, is a surveyor and court-certified expert, and lecturer on the faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology. He has been involved in valuations since 2001, systematically developing the practice of valuations of real estate and enterprises.
He focuses on the most complex valuations and on advisory related to court cases and assets of companies.
He is the author of several dozen scientific publications, co-author of four books, and author of many opinions required by courts, public prosecution, other public bodies (UZP, KIO, NIK), and private entities.
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